Kundalini Yoga Teachers Training
About Our Kundalini Teacher Training Program
Kundalini Yoga as taught by the Kundalini Research Institute is a 220-hour professional certification course that teaches the theory, practice and basic skills of Kundalini Yoga for students who want to deepen their practice and/or become a KRI-Certified Kundalini Yoga teacher. It is a transformational course that gives incredible insights about the self, offering students deep, personal growth opportunities. This 11-weekend interactive study program includes 180 hours of classroom instruction and 40-hours of independent study that encompasses reading, attending regular Kundalini classes and morning sadhanas, a 40-day yoga and meditation practice, two practicums, and one day of intensive meditation.

The Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Team
“The Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training literally saved my life. Before I signed up, I was falling apart physically and was having trouble breathing. Now I practice conscious breathing every day and I don’t see the doctor anymore. I am totally healthy in all three areas – spiritually, physically and emotionally. I have changed my lifestyle, I’m eating better.”
“The Teacher Training has been a transformative experience for me. I’ve learned so much about myself and what I have to give to others. I’m ready to “be a lighthouse!”
Dates and Times
2024 - 2025 Kundalini Teacher Training
Saturday and Sunday 9:00am to 6:30pm
- October 12 – 13
- November 9 – 10
- December 7 – 8
- January 4 – 5
- January 25 – 26
- February 15 – 16
- March 8 – 9
- March 29 – 30
- April 26 – 27
- May 3 – Day of Meditation
- May 17 – 18
- June 7 – 8

In Studio Tuition and Payment Options
Online Tuition and Payment Options
A Yoga Village reserves the right to limit class size and individual enrollment based on a pre-registration interview and at our sole discretion. Tuition fees paid are non-refundable. Yoga Village may consider a partial refund or credit in very special cases. Refund of $2,000 if withdrawn before September 15th, 2024. Refund of $1,000 if withdrawn by October 1st, 2024. No refunds after the second weekend and you are responsible for payment in full. No other refunds will be considered as this is a tuition-based program.

Over this eight month Level One course, students will learn and experience six principle components:
Kriya and Meditation: The foundation of Kundalini Yoga as Taught by Yogi Bhajan®: The theory and practice of Kundalini Yoga kriyas (yoga sets), asanas, and mudras. Explore the nature of the mind and its training through Kundalini Yoga meditations, mantras, and pranayam (breathing techniques).
Humanology and Philosophy: The Lifestyle of a Kundalini Yoga Teacher – The history and tradition of Kundalini Yoga, as well as the underlying philosophy behind all yogic practices. The technologies of Kundalini Yoga as they apply to healing and humanology (the science of daily living), including diet, nutrition, and relationships.
Anatomy & Physiology: Essentials of Yogic and Functional Anatomy: Traditional Western anatomy, its purpose and function, including the respiratory, nervous, immune, musculoskeletal, circulatory, endocrine, and digestive systems and their relation to the practice and teaching of yoga. Also Yogic anatomy and the energy systems of the body including the chakras, nadis, pranas and vayus, and the ten yogic bodies.
Consciousness of a Teacher: Virtues and Values of Living in the Golden Chain: The skills and techniques to become an effective instructor, including practical strategies for teaching beginners, ethical guidelines, curriculum development, and the transformational role of the teacher in developing a successful yoga practice.
The Practicum: Teaching from Day One: Practical experience instructing at least one yoga class under the supervision of a KRI Yoga Teacher Trainer, receiving written evaluation and student feedback.
Full Day of Meditation: The course includes a full day of group meditation.